UE4: 4.17.2 -> 4.18.1 プロジェクトのアップデートで発生した Warning と Error と対処メモ
1. AddTorque
は AddTorqueInRadians
warning C4996: 'UPrimitiveComponent::AddTorque': Use AddTorqueInRadians instead. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
- UPrimitiveComponent::AddTorque | Unreal Engine
- UPrimitiveComponent::AddTorqueInRadians | Unreal Engine
void AddTorque ( FVector Torque // Torque to apply. Direction is axis of rotation and magnitude is strength of torque. , FName BoneName = NAME_None // If a SkeletalMeshComponent, name of body to apply torque to. 'None' indicates root body. , bool bAccelChange = false // If true, Torque is taken as a change in angular acceleration instead of a physical torque (i.e. mass will have no effect). );
void AddTorqueInRadians ( FVector Torque // Torque to apply. Direction is axis of rotation and magnitude is strength of torque. , FName BoneName = NAME_None // If a SkeletalMeshComponent, name of body to apply torque to. 'None' indicates root body. , bool bAccelChange = false // If true, Torque is taken as a change in angular acceleration instead of a physical torque (i.e. mass will have no effect). );
API Reference だけ見ても違いがわからない。違いについては予感としては「たぶんない」のだけど、「ない」と知る必要がある。単位や補助単位の変換が必要だとか何かとあり得ない事もない。
source: Runtime/Engine/Classes/Components/PrimitiveComponent.h
void AddTorque(FVector Torque, FName BoneName = NAME_None, bool bAccelChange = false) { AddTorqueInRadians(Torque, BoneName, bAccelChange); }
2. FPaths::GameDir
は FPath::ProjectDir
warning C4996: 'FPaths::GameDir': FPaths::GameDir() has been superseded by FPaths::ProjectDir(). Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
source: Runtime/Core/Public/Misc/Paths.h
DEPRECATED(4.18, "FPaths::GameDir() has been superseded by FPaths::ProjectDir().") static FORCEINLINE FString GameDir() { return ProjectDir(); }
error C2664: 'bool FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(FString &,const TCHAR *,FFileHelper::EHashOptions)': cannot convert argument 3 from 'const uint32' to 'FFileHelper::EHashOptions'
4.18 に取り込まれた以下のコミットで Runtime/Core/Public/Misc/FileHelper.h の struct EHashOptions { enum Type {
が enum class EHashOptions {
素直に FFileHelper::EHashOptions::None
など enum class