例によって唐突に結果ぺたり。 LH-MAIN /tmp% node benchmark_const.js N = 1000000000 9678 [ms] cost of nothing 9379 [ms] cost of 1000000000-th bind var from var 10854 [ms] cost of 1000000000-th bind var from const 11190 [ms] cost of 100000000…
例によって唐突に結果ぺたり。 LH-MAIN /tmp% node benchmark_const.js N = 1000000000 9678 [ms] cost of nothing 9379 [ms] cost of 1000000000-th bind var from var 10854 [ms] cost of 1000000000-th bind var from const 11190 [ms] cost of 100000000…